In times of rising populist movements and increasing socioeconomic inequality, we bring together a variety of perspectives to develop and implement ideas to disrupt the imbalances, defuse ethnically-framed conflicts and foster an environment of sustainable and responsible development on a local and global scale. In order to achieve these goals, we came together 2016 in Berlin to found the non-profit NGO NIDID - new ideas for development identity and democracy (e.V.). NIDID bridges across civic activism, social science, human geography as well as media and art, employing novel, state-of-the-art visualization formats that make the output of their projects mind-provoking and accessible to diverse audiences.
NEW IDEAS FOR DEMOCRACY: We stand for an open environment of debate and seek to counteract societal polarization in times of rising populism, political apathy and digital 'echo-chambers' by providing a platform where opposing views can enter into a constructive debate. We seek to foster a open-ended societal dialogue on how to come to terms with the memory wars of the past, cope with the challenges of the present and envision a sustainable societal model for the future.
NEW IDEAS FOR IDENTITY: We stand for an up-to-date concept of identity that recognizes the plurality, dynamism and organic fluidity of contemporary society. Inspired by the idea of the willensnation we understand society based on the priniple of voluntarism as a consciously-desired community of solidarity forged among fellow-citizens across ethnically framed boundaries.
NEW IDEAS FOR DEVELOPMENT: We stand for a critical engagement with hegemonic ideas of economic development to forge a novel developmental paradigm capable of better addressing the pressing socio-political, economic and ecological challenges of our century - an economic development guided by principles of social justice that strives for a dignified life for everyone and the genuine self-development of each and every individual in a world of limited resources.
While firmly rooted in the local Kiez culture of Berlin's multi-facetted districts Wedding and Kreuzberg, our regional expertise and personal experience transcends the local, extending to a variety of diverse geographies across the globe such as Southeastern Europe, the Middle East, the Caucasus and Central Asia.
social scientist & career coach
studied Sociology and Political Sciences at Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Her main interest lies in the transformation of political systems and societal change, with a particular regional focus on Southeastern Europe. As a coach she supports individuals in their quest for purpose and vocations, helping them tell their authentic stories with a firm voice. Having a strong analytical mind, she is driven by empathy and bottomless enthusiasm for the projects she takes on.
digital media specialist
possessing a strong network and deep knowledge in both the tourism and cultural sectors, as well as in content creation, he excels in leveraging the latest tech trends and crafting narratives that resonate with audiences. The long years Berlin museum professional serves as a bridge-builder and enriches the team with unique contributions as a facilitator.
public history researcher
is a public history researcher and freelance designer of multimedia educational projects. She has co-initiated and co-curated various sociocultural, educational and artistic projects such as Visualizing Memory (2018-), a sensory anthropological urban memory project, and the EUSTORY public history project Phantom Pasts or Everyday Present (2021). She studied Liberal Arts at the Bard College Berlin and Media Production in Creative Industries at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow.

project manager
studied Sociology and Political Science in Germany and Hungary with particular focus on collective identities, nationalism and Southeastern Europe. Aside from his academic expertise he brings with him many years of professional experience in Germany and Bulgaria as a project manager and counselor in the field of social work for disadvantaged and marginalised people.
is a research fellow and anthropologist at the Caucasus Studies Institute of the Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena. Over the last decade she has gained long-standing expertise on the post-Soviet space, having conducted long-term field work in the Southern Caucasus. She has co-initiated our ongoing discussion series Dots 'N' Lines.
knowledge mediator
is a postdoctoral fellow with a doctoral degree from the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Institute of Social Sciences. During his working experience in the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Middle East, he co-initiated projects such as Visualizing Memory (2018-) and the German-Turkish film project Es sind wir / Bu bizimki (2011-2014). As a political analyst he contributes to leading German newspapers and is author of the book Embattled Dreamlands: The Politics of Contesting Armenian, Kurdish and Turkish Memory (2020).

civil society activist
is a civil society activist and (video) journalist. Since 2015, he has implemented projects on democratization, conflict trans-formation and socio-economic policy in Germany, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine and the South Caucasus. He holds a Masters in International Relations from the University of Cambridge.

human geographer
is a researcher and PhD candidate at the Leibniz-Institut für Länderkunde in Leipzig, where he works on the contested economies of the Global East. An optimist by default, he firmly believes that local action is not unconditionally subordinated to global hyperrealities. If asked what he is striving for at and with NIDID, his answer would be: open up possibilities, whether they are taken or not. With a preference for the former.

social scientist
is a social scientist with a master's degree in Sociology and Political Science from Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg with a particular focus on Social Theory and International Relations. Fieldwork leads him to post-socialist countries where he explores the socio-cultural and political transformation. In his opinion one picture says more than thousand words. That is why a camera is his constant companion.
video journalist
is a video journalist, media producer and editorial manager for German television, with a particular focus on creating projects with sustainable impact in the field of political education. Synthesizing different cultural perspectives his artistic and journalistic work experiments with unconventional and novel approaches to reach, and effectively enable participation of diverse audiences.
c/o Fabian Täniges
Turiner Sttraße 30
13347 Berlin
E-Mail: nidid.ngo@gmail.com
Website: www.nidid-ngo.org
Represented by:
1. Chairman: Oliver Müser
2. Chairman: Fabian Täniges
Treasurer: Radoslaw Szydlowski
Clerk: Martin Schäfer
Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
VR 35474
Steuernummer: 27/675/58448 F136
Finanzamt für Körperschaften I
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